October 5 Newsletter: David Crowder Band, Podcasts, Worship Under The Stars

Hey Ya’ll,

Well, this is obviously a ‘different’ type of “podcast”. I decided that the monthly “Highest Praise” newsletter would be posted on the podcast blog … and I’d also make an “audio podcast newsletter” to go along with it. So … here it goes.

First – notice … you can “read” the newsletter here, but I have some audio commentary associated with it in the “podcast”. So, feel free to ‘read’ the newsletter … but if you’d like to hear the other stuff, subscribe and download it! (or just do it the old fashioned way, and hit the “play” button!)

The Show

1) NEW: David Crowder Band CD – “A Collision”
2) Podcast News
3) Worship Under the Stars Report

Play Button for The Highest Praise Worship Podcast

David Crowder Band – “A Collision”

The David Crowder Band is not affiliated with Highest Praise Productions, but they are too incredible not to mention in our newsletter when their much anticipated, new CD has been released. I’d play some of their music on the podcast if I could, but copyright restrictions don’t allow for that … but trust me … I’m working on it!
David Crowder - A Collision

They have just launched their much anticipated CD, “A Collision”. You can buy it just about everywhere – Target, Amazon, Wal-mart, etc … but the coolest play to but it is on ITunes Music Store! Why? Because exclusively at ITunes, you can download the entire record for only $9.99, and as a bonus, you get all the artwork and booklet in .pdf format, and even better – you get a cool bonus VIDEO that you can watch in ITunes. Interested – just use this handy lil’ button below, and it will launch your ITunes application and take you straight into the ITunes Music Store to the CD! (how easy is that?!)

A Collision (Bonus Video Version)

^^^ click that “Itunes” image to order ^^^

Don’t have Itunes yet? First, repent. (just kidding). Seriously, ITunes is free, and it totally rocks. It allows you to do so much – listen to music, rip CD’s, buy from the ITunes Music Store, listen to podcats (like the Highest Praise Worship Podcast!), burn your own custom Cd’s, etc. Best of all – IT IS LEGAL! You can use the button below to go to the Itunes download page:

Download iTunes

I’m listening to it now, and it’s so fresh … so, if you’ve got $10 to invest in a great musical/worship encounter, checkout “A Collision” by the David Crowder Band. If $10 is too steep for ya, you can preview all 21 tracks on ITunes (no, that’s not a typo – there are 21 tracks on this record!) and buy only the ones you want for $.99.

Podcast News

Ok, so if you haven’t figured it out, we’ve gone crazy with this “podcasting” thing. If you are reading this as part of our regular “newsletter” you may still be wondering what it’s all about. Basically, we can produce audio segments called “podcasts” and you can subscribe to them and they will be automatically delivered to your computer. From there, you can listen on your computer … or … for those who are probably saying … “geez, I’m too busy to sit around listening to this stuff on my computer” … then you can burn a CD of the podcast to listen to in your car, or … transfer if to your “IPod” or other portable MP3/Audio device (hence the name, “podcast”).

The “Highest Praise Worship Podcast” is currently being delivered about once per week and features new music from Highest Praise Productions, songwriters, and other artists, worship leaders, and instrumentalists (like those at InstrumentalWorship.Com) that I’ve found “online” or through other relationships who give us permission to promote their music. It’s an awesome resource for you to hear new music & commentary. Sometimes, I’ll actually sit down at the piano “live” and play, sing, and minister freely for the “podcast”. I also try to make the podcasts “fun” by inviting everyone listening to leave comments and participate in “contests”, etc.

So, checkout all of the great “subscribe” options you have at the top right of the podcast page. Of course, you can always just sign up for the email updates and get notified that way, and just listen to the “podcast” right here off the website. (but that’s not near as cool as having it automatically downloaded into your “Itunes” program!)

Worship Under The Stars Update

Nearly every day, we get more positive feedback regarding the recent “Worship Under The Stars” concert that we led. If you haven’t taken the time, please visit the “Worship Under the Stars” website and checkout the pictures and video clips. You can also pre-order the DVD and CD product at discounted “pre-order only” pricing on the website. I’ll be in Dallas, TX the 2nd week of November with Randy Adams at his studio at Christ For the Nations doing the final mix. We can’t wait.

The residual of the worship concert continues to be felt in other cities. As a result, planning has already begun for possible “Worship Under The Stars” events in Dublin, GA and Hilton Head, SC. If you’d like to have a “Worship Under The Stars” event in your town, contact us!

That’s about it for now … hope you have a great week. Oh yeah – one last thing … keep an eye on my personal “blog” at www.fredmckinnon.com over the next few days … (or sooner) … for a special surprise.

For the Kingdom,


5 responses to “October 5 Newsletter: David Crowder Band, Podcasts, Worship Under The Stars”

  1. Hi Fred,

    I’ve been listening to the Highest Praise Podcast for about a month now but had not been able to put in my comments. However, this morning as I listened to the latest podcase on my way to work, something you said has truly blessed me and reminded me of the reason why I live.

    “Keep worshipping God”. These 3 words just did it in for me. Lately I have not been in the best spiritual condition and am feeling so down and out with God.. like I really don’t feel like drawing near to Him anymore because of all the mess-ups that I made. But upon hearing those 3 words God reminded me, as if He Himself spoke to my heart reminding me that I was made to worship Him, regardless of the situations I’m in.

    I thank the Lord so much for the inspiring ministry that you have, I’m sure there are plenty more out there who are blessed by God through you. God bless you and let’s keep serving Him!

    In Christ,
    (a worship minister from Manila, Philippines)

  2. Hi Fred,

    I’ve been listening to the Highest Praise Podcast for about a month now but had not been able to put in my comments. However, this morning as I listened to the latest podcase on my way to work, something you said has truly blessed me and reminded me of the reason why I live.

    “Keep worshipping God”. These 3 words just did it in for me. Lately I have not been in the best spiritual condition and am feeling so down and out with God.. like I really don’t feel like drawing near to Him anymore because of all the mess-ups that I made. But upon hearing those 3 words God reminded me, as if He Himself spoke to my heart reminding me that I was made to worship Him, regardless of the situations I’m in.

    I thank the Lord so much for the inspiring ministry that you have, I’m sure there are plenty more out there who are blessed by God through you. God bless you and let’s keep serving Him!

    In Christ,

    (a worship minister from Manila, Philippines)

  3. Brian Daniel Avatar
    Brian Daniel

    Hey Fred,
    I checked out your site after listening to the past podcast. Worship Under The Stars looks like it could turn into an awesome nation wide success. Keep it rolling! And if there’s anything I can do for you, let me know. You know all of my skills and connections. If you need help with promo materials, banners, back drops, let me know.

    Can’t wait for the next cast!

    Love ya Bro!

  4. Hey,

    Looked for a way to email, but nowhere to be found. Slick.

    I am editor over at pixelzion.com, and I love your site. Actually found it via WordPress support blog. I could use some help w/ the xml rss thing if you ever have a free moment.


  5. Carl Wagner Avatar
    Carl Wagner

    Attended WUTS Jekyll Isl. Glad I stayed enrolled to web page as I found the link to this site.
    A year or so ago I learned prayer leads to Worship and Worship leads to Victory. This pod is another tool for living theVictory, through Worship
    Thank you. Waycross GA

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